
La opera tannhauser
La opera tannhauser

la opera tannhauser

Venus makes a brief appearance in a failed attempt to lure Tannhäuser back, before he collapses and dies, calling out “Holy Elisabeth, pray for me” by the corpse of his beloved. Elisabeth prays that her soul be received in heaven, her dead body soon brought back onstage. He’s been to Rome, but is refused papal forgiveness. The third act opens with an orchestral prelude describing Tannhäuser’s pilgrimage. Bass-baritones Philip Cokorinos and Patrick Blackwell gave Biterolf and Reinmar, respectively, some heft. Adding to the testosterone quotient were tenors Robert Stahley as Walther von der Vogelweide and Anthony Ciaramitaro as Heinrich der Schreiber. With a singing contest at the center of the opera, the minnesingers, these FOTs - fellow knights/friends of Tannhäuser - ruled: Baritone Lucas Meachem proved a formidable Wolfram, the one cavalier who doesn’t turn against the hero, his gentle, “Song to the Evening Star” a highlight the always fine bass Morris Robinson comported himself well as the Landgrave (local ruler) Hermann and also served as the embodiment of the Pope.

la opera tannhauser

The chorus of pilgrim in LA Opera’s 2021 production of Tannhäuser | Credit: Cory Weaver/LA Opera

La opera tannhauser